Jason's Latest and Greatest
-Can clap his hands together!! This is pretty exciting and fun to do.
-Can drink from a sippy cup all by himself
In some ways - not a lot to report... which kinda feels sad.
He is doing well - eating he's a champ. Strong guy, but we have lots of work to do.
Right now, I'm working on asking him for a toy - to give it to me.
Trying to have him recognize me as Mama
Getting him to support himself on all fours - four point kneel.
It's been good for me- emotionally - lately. I'm thankful for that.
I guess what has been hitting me lately, is how much therapy I will be needing to do. Of course, it's hard to say how much - but as I learn more, and read other kiddo's accounts, I see how much work and time it takes. And the emotional up and down of it all. So that is a bit daunting.
But - for today - I'm working on the kneel, the giving over of toys - for him to see/say Mama... that's all. (well, actually there's quite a list of what I'm supposed to be doing...but that's all for NOW). I know... gotta take it daily. And just enjoy him and the others daily. Trust daily. Surrender daily.
All that looks so good on whitespace...
hard in reality.
But God is in the reality.
This look.
Is a fav of mine. But it's actually a rare one.
He does it in the highchair - almost like he's being silly. :) And then says "mmumm, mumm"
You can almost hear him laugh!
Another look I adore on him and didn't want to forget...
His squishy toes.