Thursday, June 7, 2018

Park Fun

James went to a conference in Iowa for 4 days with a few guys from our church.
He did a huge grocery trip for me, so I didn't have to try to do that with the kiddos. 
While he was gone, we basically did the basics: school, eat, clean, go to parks, and church. :) (and more cleaning....) For the first two days, I was like, "yeah...I got this". Had the house clean by staying up til 11:30- laundry folded and the kids clothes sorted for the next week. I was doing my photography course (which is partly why we went to this park here - cause I need harsh sunlight shots.. and was feeling energetic in looking after the kids.
It's interesting being a single parent. I was sharing this with James when he got home.
It was easier to parent alone. (just for a short time MIND YOU!)
I didn't' have to communicate about what my goals were for the day - or feel frustrated when it didn't happen because it was only me making them happen. 
I could clean or do what I wanted til all hours, cause it was just about me in the late evening.
I made the decisions of the day, and didn't need to check in with him.
We had ultra simple meals, cause when you're not cooking for your man, I just don't have the same motivation. :)

But, I sure wouldn't want to do this very long. It's exhausting! 
I admire single parents a lot. Don't know how they can keep going for so long. They have an incredible work - and for those that have some of those parents around them - really help them, or bless them in some way!
 I'm sure thankful that I get to cook for a eight of us - that I have a husband who helps me be accountable to - for the way he serves and loves our family. That while I don't get a lot of time alone - God is shaping me and teaching me a lot. 
And we were ALL so glad when he came home. By day 3 I was ready for him to return~

Isn't this just the cutest look?!

He loves the swing. 

Further up and further in.... 

We took a couple cousins to the park - which made it more fun for everyone!

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