The wedding program of Ben and Deanna Heikoop
The trip to Timmins is 9 1/2 hours north away from us, so we left real early (4 am) on Thursday morning so that we would be there for the rehearsal and other prep work that James needed to do. The wedding was on a Friday which worked out quite well.
The trip was nice, and we enjoyed a breakfast at Zellers, and laughed and just were us - together - which is super wonderful after a busy time getting ready for this event.
My wonderful man who drove us there. :) I got to sleep for a few hours which was lovely, and Katelyn did real well on the trip. When we got there, we met the great Carr family. (some of the family had already met a bunch of them, but not us)
We enjoyed getting to know Deanna's family and her friends a bit- had a fun rehearsal, and then off to the hotel where pretty much everyone was staying. It was fun, cause all the relatives that came stayed there, as well as people from our church etc., so we visited and enjoyed each other's company. Then exhausted, we went to sleep.
The morning of the wedding began slowly, but quickly picked up the pace to a stressful run. After all the groomsmen came back from their breakfast out together, we went to the reception hall where James, Mark and I were working on getting all the desserts arranged and decorated - quite frantically actually, as we didn't have a lot of time.
Mark, the creative guy, arranges the different platters of squares so they have a "B" and "D" on them.
Katelyn amused herself walking around the basement kitchen of the hall. Then we dashed back to the hotel, everyone trying to get ready fast, but that's a rather crazy story. Let's just say that the girls/moms left the hotel, after finishing niece's hair, each others hair etc. 5 minutes before the wedding was to start...and I still hadn't done makeup, necklace, my shoes, barely dressed etc...it was a bit stressful...but we made it...just.... My car keys were in a diaper bag that was taken for me by someone else, so I would have been stranded without Henry and Heather's ride!
We dashed to the church, and because we were late, the corsages/bouts. weren't on the right people yet. So a few of us grabbed the flowers, and started sticking the pins on them, hopefully not in them. :) We walked in, and the wedding ceremony began.
All the handsome groomsmen. My favorite is James. :)
From where I was sitting, I couldn't get a picture of Deanna and her dad coming down the aisle, but it was lovely.
I smiled at this - cause I had the same problem as Deanna had: trying to put James' ring on his large hand/finger. :) The great thing is, once it's on, it's on to stay. :)
First kiss... :) At first, after being asked if he would like to kiss the bride, he says's "sure" grabs her hand kissing it....of course there was laughter, and then it was for real. :)
Us sisters singing "Wonderful Merciful Savior" at the wedding. A special honor. They also had another singer - a cousin- sing a gorgeous version of "O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus".
One of my favorite shots that I got. :) The lovely couple. Deanna made such a gorgeous bride! And Ben was very happy.
Then they walked down the aisle, and we all scattered to find a car, and off to the photography studio - though the van I was in, well we got lost for a while, but we found it.... :) thanks to Henry and his cell phone. :)
You look beautiful, Liz! That is a very nice dress and I like the length on you. It looks smashing. Love the little detail of the buckle. And I enjoyed reading about the wedding more here. =) Thanks dearie!