Friday, July 5, 2013

5 Years for Us & New Life for Them!!

Brendon and Alison's rehearsal was on our 5th Wedding Anniversary. :) Since James was one of the groomsmen, we got to go to the rehearsal, which is always fun to watch. :)
Alison with her parents.
Laura being so good during the ceremony run-through.
Lovely Beth who played the music for the wedding.
Brendon walking his parents down.
There's Lenny...

First of the siblings to get married.
My favorite shot - thanks to Mark. :) The guys coming in.
Don't you see the third one down - the red striped guy? Yup, he's mine. :)
Even though it wasn't really a date night or anything, it was special, and I'm so thankful to God for the 5 years He has given me with such an incredible man,  who supports me and my dreams, and pushes me on. He is so faithful, and I'm so blessed.

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