While I was cleaning, the kids were watching this years VBS songs/motions from Majesty Music - they're helping me learn them.
Pretty soon, Grandpa and Grandma, Aunty Charissa and Auntie Anne-Marie came!! It was lovely to just chat, have supper, and catch up on everything. Then we went for a walk.
Laura loves to swing.
Grandma and Katy - at last they were here. She had been counting down the "sleeps".
The next day, we started working in the backyard, and got it weeded out, more concrete moved, and flowers moved.
Charissa faithfully weeding the dandelions out.

We all enjoyed the fun ride.
Looks like us, when we were kids. Praying beside or with dad. Except dad didn't use the red pillow... :)
Katy in her matching yellow and black - she was coordinating with the Fehr Family Singers. :)
Grandma and Katy.
The family singing at Shenstone Baptist in Brantford.
And, I got to sing with them again - some of the main ones we used to do - like "Keep on the Sunny Side", "Morning Light" and "O Glorious Love". Fun to sing with them again.
James working with the Dingo that leveled out the backyard.
Shona and Shantel came over to visit, and help out a bit too. :) Poor Anne-Marie was feeling terrible that day, but was still such a trooper. Charissa was also recovering from a terrible fever and cold sickness that she got a couple days earlier. Eventually everyone got sick - probably due to the humidity of Ontario. Which is kinda rotten. But we still managed to have a good time. Even if we couldn't do everything we planned - but we still got a great amount of landscaping done!
(most of the garden work pictures are taken by Shantel, who sweetly took them for me so I could participate in the work!!)
Mom raking out the gravel around the square foot garden boxes the men had just made.
Anne-Marie watching Laura so we could prep the garden.
Dad mixing the compost, vermiculite, and peat moss the garden.
Shona got right into the action with mixing and dividing up the "soil".
Big girl Katie helping wherever she could.
Dividing up the "square footage".
Erik, enjoying the wheelbarrow before nap time.
Laura loves this car. :)
A few days later, we started planting the garden which was quite exciting. So nice to have the girls and mom around to help me. It's crazy how inadequate I feel with gardening - without a parent nearby. :)
Chewing on a foil wrapper -not the smartest thing to do.
The family went to sing at a country church, where the Heikoops have been before. I've gotten to know this girl, Cealey a bit, and it was fun to see her again, and she watched Laura for me for part of the concert, which was a nice help.
Yellow girls.
Just two.
While they were here, we went to Menchies - I had a Wag Jag/Groupon type deal that worked perfectly, so that was a lovely treat after our hard work.
Us three girls.
We also had a bunch of the Heikoop siblings, and Shantel over to play games with the family. We started playing the game that Shantel had made - which was fun. Then inside for more games, chatter, and some finger good.
Having a deep conversation with Dad.
James feeding Laura the quick way. :)
Giving daddy a massage.
On our way to setting up their sound for the concert the next day - playing a word puzzle on Charissa's ipad.
Just before heading out for another one of their wonderful concerts.
All of us ladies. I'm so blessed to be a part of this lives.
Adorable shot by Katy - taken I think by Shantel. :)
Helping to make salad for lunch with Auntie Anne-Marie. Notice the tear on his left cheek? I don't know why, but it's kinda cute. :)
Anne-Marie and Laura - Laura was wearing this adorable dress from A-M. It's just a touch big on her right now, but she's going to get lots of use from it this summer! Perfect blue confection.
Lunch after the concert at our home.
Daddy with little Laura during an evening snack/supper at our house. The Heikoop clan had to practice for an upcoming wedding that week, so they all got to hear it. :)
Ben and Brad - who were apparently trying to help Charissa find a match in people they knew - but I don't think it went too far... :) Since their own siblings are still single, there's not much hope. :)
James and Laura.
Then after this lovely 2 weeks, off they went the next morning for the eastern shore.
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