Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sunday School Picnic

June 18th was our annual Sunday School Picnic, organized by Ben & Deanna - with help from lots of other willing hands. They had some fun ideas for the activities: 3 teams, 3 countries, and 3 different games for each country. The team that won the most games, well...won. :)
 Ben and Dee, organizing the event.
 Erik the pudgy. :) He was so cute, and so good. The more elderly ones in the chapel were looking after him a lot of the afternoon - such a help. :) Mr.Thompson (81 or so) was one of those who entertained the little gaffer.
 Face painting - Sarah and Tim are doing it here, but Deanna and others helped out. The three teams had their "identification" painted on them. (there was, the Tigers, Polar Bears and The Periwinkle Penguins - my team :)
 One of the three countries and their leader - Mexico... and Alex and Mike. :)
 Auntie Diane & Erik
 Shelly (and Shane) were the leaders for China. The games for that country were: build the longest structure out of straws and marshmallows, look for gummy candy in rice containers using only chopstick, and I can't remember the third.
 Katelyn played around the groups, with the toys...
 ...and on the bouncy castles. :) She was tired by the end of the day.

 One of the young women in our church works for Proctor & Gamble, and had a bunch of extra freebies to give away - so she organized a ladies bowling time...whatever your ball hit, you claimed. :) I got a Oil of Olay face cleanser and purple candle! Quite fun! Everyone enjoyed it!!! And there were some nice prizes.
 Shane giving a devotional/gospel message to the kids and adults there. We had a few unsaved kids/parents out, which was neat.
The BBQ-er's. :) Marc and Micah - the food was delicious, and we all went home happy, and tired. :)
Thankful to be a part of such a great church fellowship. So neat to see the body of Christ work together.

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