Saturday, January 14, 2012

Erik's 1st Birthday!!

Our little man turned one yesterday. 
January 13th, 2012.
It really doesn't seem like it was a year ago, when our purple baby boy was born, unattended, at 2:40 in the morning. It seems funny (now!) that I was so worried about him not crying (or breathing) right after his birth....(we were praying hard-hoping that he was alright) and, now he has spent a lot of his first year crying. :) I guess I am thankful for tears. :)
 We did a cupcake smash for his birthday cake. It was pretty sweet.
At first, he just looked at it, grunting, wondering if he could touch/eat it. We gave the go ahead and he dove right in. 

He especially loved the icing.

The chocolate remains. James (he came home for his late breakfast) helped clean up the birthday boy, while I tidied up the floor.
 Breakfast! He got crepes for special. And loved them.

 Katelyn was pretty excited about Erik's birthday. She couldn't wait for the presents.
 After daddy left for work, the kiddo's had a bath.
That smile is heart-melting. Notice how he just tilts his head a bit... :)
 Katelyn enjoying the bath and her toys.
 I took a few pictures of my little princess, while I had the living room in a disaster all set up for pictures.

 I tried to get a good one of the kiddos, but Katelyn was all done.
The little man is talking/listening to Auntie Annie on the phone. :)
 And then it was party time. In the afternoon, after cleaning, I put some decorations up, and Mark and Rob came over for a Spaghetti dinner. We took a break for some presents, and then it was cake time.
(you'll notice in the bottom left, that Erik got some chocolate bars - yes, I think I was happier than he was. :) - And Rob and Mark gave him the cool "Cat" excavator thingy. :) He also got a ball, cool crocheted football (thanks Aleita!) which is perfect for throwing around in the house, a small firetruck from us, and a couple cute outfits from Anne-Marie and Grandma. :) He was blessed!)

 Another cupcake - could life get any better? - a song, and right before he was about to touch the flame, Mark saved his fingers. :)

 The family. :)
 While we finished our ice-cream and cake, Erik just played in one of his "spots" with his new ball.
 Daddy and Erik watching Youtube movies with the Uncles on oil sands, big trucks, excavators and other such guy stuff. :)
 First it was the elder serving the younger...
...and then vice versa. :)
After a quick music pratice with the uncles. (Erik, as always, loved the music) it was bedtime.
A perfect little day for our 1 year old.


  1. Absolute cuteness!
    Keep up the good work mommy!


  2. Love the pics. We enjoyed experiencing his birthday through your blog.
    Give Erik a hug from Uncle Andrew and Auntie Rebecca

  3. Oh! Oh! Oh! I loved this! I just loved seeing how you captured his special day and am glad for your sake that he's so smiley now. =)
