Monday, February 4, 2013

Guelph Weekend Getaway

We went on a weekend getaway with our church to a conference centre about an hour away. It was mean to be a couple days of rest, relaxation, no cleanup, no food prep...and it was.
We  fellowshipped, listened to a neat a couple speak on marriage, parenting and family, and play games. Marc and Janice organized it all, and it was appreciated.
Katelyn was thrilled that Shona was there. :) Playing ping-pong together.
Erik trying his hand at yet another "ball" sport.
 Visiting together before the second session. Clockwise from the top L-R: Althea and I chatting. Shelly and Isaiah with Krissy. James catching up with the neices. Heather trying out a guitar. And Pat and Shane.
Beautiful Hannah. The three girls came from the states to watch all of the children (nursery age) during the sessions, so we could fully enjoy and learn from the speaker.
Lydia smiled for me. :) I was bad and just ordered them to model for me. :) Rachel declined and won.
Dining hall time.
Then it was naptime for the kiddo's. It was so nice to have everything pretty much in one building. The dorms were on one end, the lounge/game area kinda of in the middle, and the dining hall on the far side. So cute, after they were done, they came all the way out to where I was, with their bare feet - "Mommy, we found you!".

Erik on his bottom bunk. He is almost ready to permamently switch to a big boy's bed.
Tuck Shop Ladies. :) Alteha and Krisandra. 

Krissy got the idea to "not pose" in action - thus getting to sample a peanut butter cup.
During naptime, all of us ladies made memo boards - Janice (bottom right) had organized it all. We had a blast. :) I made two identical ones with lime green and pink ribbon for Katelyn's room. She's wanted something to hold her Sunday School papers, so this will be perfect!
Pat -relaxing.
 Mike and Tom battling it out.
An evening session - Eric Bolton led the worship/singing time.
The speaker - Gerry Libby and his wife Jackie. They did a Q & A time, which was neat.
Very practical couple.
The main area of the centre - with the dorms going way behind.
Visiting with Erika - she and her sister did the children's program for older kids. They did a fabulous job!
Erik enjoying his food.
Laura, enjoying some love.
Katy's cute posing face.
Clockwise from top left. Sterling and Jeannete, Sarah, Rob with Tia, Doris, Ashie and Les, Wayne and Joanne, Margaret, Wendy, William (copying Katelyn's cute face) and Rick and Georgie.
Diane and happy Elita!
 The last evening we played "Minute to Win it" hosted by Shelly and Shane. It was such fun. :)
I have never seen the game show, but we all got into it - doing a certain kind of challenge in less than a minute. All such crazy stuff. :) Like above, was the stacking cup ones... They even had the game visuals and audios to make it quite authentic.
...Here they had to put a popscile stick in their mouth, and stack five dices on it and balance for three seconds.
 This one was sooo hilarious. :) Called "Face the Cookie". Getting an Oreo, from on your forehead to your mouth, with hands. Shona won this one.
 The kids tried too! Katy made me laugh - she stuck the cookie on her forehead, and on "GO" dropped it into her hands and stuck into her mouth - super cute. :)
The one on the left was stacking baby blocks on a plastic plate on your head and balance it..I did horrible. Diane and Megan in the middle... you had to bounce pencils by their erasers into the cups...and Shona on the end had to put a stack of pencils on the top of your hand, and then drop your hand to grab them...
Another one was to empty two kleenx boxes out alternating your left and right hands as fast as you fun.
After some of the kids went to bed, some board games came out.
Apples to Apples...
 And Qwirkle in my corner.
The next day was Sunday so we had our service there, enjoyed another great meal, packed up, and played a quick round the table game, and off we went home... :)
An awesome weekend. Love spending time with this body of believers.

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