Wednesday, February 27, 2013

When all is not what it seems

Looks good doesn't it. A happy mom. Happy children.
And freshly baked cookies on top of it.
We all know it: the picture doesn't always portray real life.
I'm baking with the children, but honestly, I'm struggling. So many hands, each one wants to be right beside the mixer, flour is falling to the floor (probably freshly washed) and I'm frustrated. Sometimes I want to bake alone. And sometimes I do. But mostly, I have messes, and eager hands.
I don't "do it" well a lot of the time. I look at other pictures of mom's with their kids, and admire them, wishing I was more intentional, and more patient. But I'm learning... like we all are.
And I don't "do" candids well at all.
But still glad James grabbed the camera while we baked, to capture these real moments.
And I'm still glad we got the "happy" picture.
Cause I know I will look back and remember that these were some of the happiest times of our lives.


  1. Keep up making the memories! These times are times your children will look back on and cherish! "Our mommy took the time to bake with us!" SO WORTH IT!

  2. Lizzy ~ thanks for being so real and candid! I love you!!

  3. By the way that was your sis Annie that made the last comment!

  4. It was good to read of your 'realities' Elizabeth! Launa has shared similar frustrations! You mothers have your hands full but the Lord blesses through these precious times you have with the little ones. Love you lots!
    Also, I love your darling home!
