Friday, June 26, 2015

While James Was Away...

James went to a weekend conference in Iowa, with a few others from our church, so me and the kids did a few things together while he was gone. 
We started it off by meeting our new cousin Joel ( in the above post) and then going to Walmart, and Costco - and having a crazy time there. :) First of all, we were going to have supper as we were hungry, but it was all full up. So we were going to shop first. But outside the door, I couldn't find my card, and my wallet spilled everywhere. Then we went back to the other side to get a paper to get inside, and saw an empty table, but a dad with three boys claimed it first, so back to shopping again. (by then Erik was in tears - and I was abit frazzled). So then shopping, and as I'm at the checkout, I'm just praying, "Lord we need a table, and if not, help me to deal with supper out in the parking lot okay"... when I spied a table. God so answered that prayer. I was a bit done in from all that running around, but God is so gracious, and the kids were good. So we made it. 
Yes, I know. I'm concentrating on taking the shot. :)
This girl got into the habit of wearing a hair net to bed. I think she saw Mama Bear from the Bearenstein Bears do it, so she tried it too. 

Playing Alphabet cards.
Janice and her girls came over one evening and brought the ingredients to make-your-own-pizza. The kids thought it was a blast.

Then they babysat so I could do a photo shoot that evening. 
At this train station. :) 
Amber stayed the Saturday night with us so I could have some help in the morning - which was awesome. 
Katelyn has a flair for selfies with my phone - it's just good that she can't post them.... :) ...yet. 
I picked up James' bike from the repair shop, and brought the kid's bikes with me - and somehow, we fit all of that, and us into our van, and went to Mt. Pleasant, where we went for a bike ride, and then had a picnic with Ben and Deanna - who also showed up - and mom at the playground. 
Yes, that's me trying to get a photo with all five... but that didn't work.... here's us two. 
The kids do so well on their bikes.

With all of the cousins, during the front yard reno's. 
And we tried on the new swimming googles for the kids. 
But if you think that kid above is cute, wait til you see....
...this one!
She cracks me up.
She looks like some kind of animal - a beaver, an otter... I don't know... 
...but she amuses me - and I hope you laughed at that sight too.
And we were all thankful when James returned. :) 

1 comment:

  1. Cracking up over here - I love your kids and I can't believe I haven't met ANY of them yet! Some day. Maybe I should just pack Evelyn up and jump on a plane.
