Friday, October 9, 2020

August 2020 - Chapel Camping Trip

We were able to rent a camper and join a bunch of our church on a camping trip this year. It was great fun. Most of our group was able to rent out the whole loop, so we could be near each other. 
One of the tents had to switch campsites part way. :) 

Off to the beach with watermelon and a kid. 

Hiding in towels. 

Playing a game with Amir.

Jason in Diane's play yard with Jacob. :) 

The older girls - assisted by some younger ones, made pancakes at our site one morning  - over the open fire. It was quite a process. :) 

On the beach. As we packed up our camper, I stepped into a hole and twisted my ankle, thankful it was at the end and not beginning of the trip. It took about a month for it to feel normal, but I'm glad it wasn't worse. All in all, a great time. 

1 comment:

  1. You guys are making such wonderful memories with your kiddos!! Sorry about your ankle - unfortunately a Fehr weakness.
