Friday, October 9, 2020

July 2020 - Trip Out West - Part 5

The last couple days before we left for home were nice. Spent a little bit of time with Andrew (and Jason) as he raked). 

Little dude with Grandpa's car. 
Grandpa and Erik. 

Breakfast :) 
We went to Writing on Stone for a picnic - the kids and the dads went and played in the hoodo's. :) 

And then, all too soon... it was goodbyes to the rest of the family.
Matchy matchy - but not in real life. :) Andrew just wants to fit in... 

Almost matching flip flogs with Auntie.
Took some shots with Daddy and his "places". 

One last story with Grandma - before bed, and leaving super early the next morning. 

Getting all packed up. Then to bed and saying goodbye to mom, dad and Auntie Anne-Marie.
We met up with the Daae's for lunch in SK, which was so nice. Appreciated them taking the time for us during a busy season. 
And we saw Uncle William and Aunt Amanda there too!!!
Got to Marv and Marlene's that night... and had a nice visit together. 

And then one last goodbye...
We drove through the night, and got to Thunder Bay in the morning - where we rented a hotel room, and James got a tiny bit of sleep while they went swimming. And they had an incredible hot breakfast that they gave us too, which was so nice. Then back on the road... getting home the next morning at 6:30. James and I went right to sleep, and the kids looked after the house. :) Such a wonderful trip, and so thankful that it worked out to go. Even in such a time as this - our time with family we must not take for granted. 

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got those pics of dad in some of the places he frequents!! Those are priceless!
