Thursday, October 8, 2020

July - Trip Out West - Part 1

Off we went on our bi yearly trip out west. This time it was a bit trickier, with bathrooms closed most places... and the challenges that "covid" brought. But we had hand sanitizer, and managed quite well. The kids did so well on the trip. Jason and Adele had barely been in a car seat for 4 months, so it was more challenging for them. But we did. Here's one of our first stops in White River. 

We had driven through the night already, and after another half day, we stopped at Ney's Provincial Park for a few hours. The kids got a bit wet, and we got eaten by mosquitos, and then had a great walk along the beach and into the water...trying to find our way to a rocky area.

In my little shady spot. 

We had the double ergo's going. 

Then it was back in the van for a few more hours. 
After supper in Thunder Bay, we stopped at Kakacwaski Falls, and just enjoyed the time in this pretty place. 

Then it was another night time drive - pulled off the road for a few hours...trying to get some sleep, tho for a bit, James held two fussy kids, as I nursed another... trying to keep them quiet for the other kids to sleep... and all so tired. :) But we made it. 
Then in the morning, we arrived at Marvin and Marlenes and stayed for a almost two days. The kids enjoyed it all so much. 

They were putting up a few more grain bins - so neat to see the process. 

Holding one of the many many little frogs that was hopping around their pond.
Getting some firewood for a nice bonfire evening.
Then, it was off once again - and we made it to Alberta the next day!
Getting to meet little Melody. 
We got to celebrate Dad's birthday together!

Dear Daddy - making opening presents a blast. :) 

Getting to know each other. 
Cousins so happy to be together again. 

Grandpa, with many of his grandchildren on his birthday. :) 

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