Our late "Christmas" vacation began early on February 19th. Mark (bless his heart) :) dropped us off at the airport, and our little adventure with two children started.
Katelyn going for a ride.

The flight was completely full, which meant James and I couldn't sit next to each other. (the oxygen mask issue - 4 per row) So we were split a part by about 7 rows. Thankfully, the flight went quite quickly. The children were so good, a big blessing. Erik hardly fussed at all, and Katelyn was easily entertained with the cartoon/''mov's". (Anne of Green Gables in animation was on :)

My first glimpse of the rockies. I got
so excited when I caught that look of home.

Getting off the plane. Mom came to pick us up! So good to be together again. Then we drove to Lethbridge, where we met Dad, Charissa and Anne-Marie at Cameron & Lisa's. (they had to do a concert that night, so were picking mom up)

We only had a few minutes together, and for them to see Erik in real. But more time together was to come...

Mom and Dad about to head out the door. Dad in his infamous 'superior' jacket. :)

After they left, we got to spend some time just with Cam, Lisa and the girls - and finally met little Monica! What a dolly she is, and such a little social bug, talking away like crazy. Katelyn had a blast playing with the girls and their toys.

Then James and I continued on to the farm, stopping in to see Grandpa and Grandma Jost, and have them meet yet another great grandchild. Grandma still gets excited, and enjoyed holding the little one. So sweet. Both of the kiddos were getting on the tired side, so with the crying, we didn't stay too long.

Then back to the farm! Tim was there for a bit, so we got to see him, and he got to hold Erik. The rest of the evening was good - Andrew and Rebecca invited us over there for supper which was lovely! Rebecca's parents were there; lovely to catch up with them, and just have a lot of laughs all together. Then we went home, and to sleep...the rest of the family arriving home late that night.

The next morning we were off to the church service, and then back to a wonderful "Christmaslike" dinner mom did, especially since I hadn't quite had the traditional Christmas dinner with being sick over the holidays. :) James and Dad dealt with that turkey like the real men they are.

My man.

James and Geoffry. Such a darling twosome. :) It's sort of strange to come back home and meet these new little ones, as well as see the rest of the children all growing up. I don't know them very well anymore. Getting a bit more caught up on them was good...hearing their humor, seeing their skills, and getting loved by them was special. I was sooo glad James, Heather and the family were able to come down for the weekend, so we could see each other. Meant a lot.

Playing a game of "Gift Box" (I think that's what it's called...something like that) with the kids, Charissa and Lisa)

Me with Olivia - a little darling.

Megan, Cadence, Alanna and Katelyn in the morning.

We all went sledding for a bit. Quite fun! I hadn't done that since either getting married, or the Christmas after. :) Katelyn didn't like it though. It was really cold there. -23ish at least.

My daddy, always ready for an adventure - making it fun for everyone.

James, Adam and Isaac doing a trio toboggan snowboard ride.

Underneath all that pink, there is a little girl. :)

Me and my daddy, in our "oh so cool" snowgear.

Piled high and ready for the ride.

The original siblings. I guess we all grew up. No babies, no children, no teenages, just adults. :)

Heather, Geoffry, Erik and I. Heather and I were able to have a nice long talk which was
refreshing. Times like that, make you miss each other a bit more, but thankful for the phone call visits we still can have. The distance just makes you treasure the "together" times more.

Katelyn and Daniel did this ''copy cat thing" with James or whoever was taking these shots. First it was the "mouth" or "tongue"...

...then it was the "head"...

...and then the "eyes".

This was Katelyn's first experiance with playdough - which she enjoyed.

James went with the guys and cousins to play hockey in Foremost one evening - a fun experiance. It would have been fun to go and watch him, but with Erik getting really fussy and colicky again I needed to be at home with him.

The next day we all went shopping, and then bowling with Cam, Lisa, the girls, Andrew, Rebecca and their kids. We had such fun!

All of the children got a chance to bowl.

The girls having a snack while the parents bowled.

Lisa, Rebecca, Cadence and I.

Then it was over to Cameron & Lisa's for supper. Mom had made Lasanga, Rebecca, salad, and Lisa delicious home-made ice-cream. (which I can't wait to make once I've gotten rid of this stubborn cold) Then homeward bound.

One evening we spent at Andrew & Rebecca's - getting in as much time with them as we could, before their baby would be born - whenever that was going to be!

James & I decided to go for a "date" walk outside. But when we got outside, the communication I thought we'd have, was quickly exchanged for quick walking, trying to stay warm. Man, that was cold. But we're still in love. :)

Gorgeous landscape.

Freezing together in all kinds of weather....and looking goofy is all a part of it.

James, Charissa, Anne-Marie and I made supper together one night. We had salmon, rice, salad, and the most awesome dairy free (almond and coconut milk) peanut butter ice-cream. - made by Charissa and James.

It was super good.

Us three sisters. Aren't I related to such beauties? :)

We went over to Jon and Sharla's for lunch one afternoon.
Katelyn played with Nathan and Lucy while we had a great visit.

Katelyn was quite loved - she didn't know what to do with all that affection.

The last Sunday while there - James and Jon visiting before we left.

Sharla and I.

With my dear friends, Rochelle and Kendra. I was really glad to see the Funston's new home at long last, and catch up with Rochie and hear the new changes in her life.

Rebecca and I :) Poor darling. She was just waiting and waiting for that baby to arrive, and it just didn't want to come. We did so want to meet that little baby, but we'll have to wait until next time we visit!! (Yes, the baby did come by the way - Ethan Paul!)

Grandpa saying goodbye to Katelyn. I keep thinking every time I see them and say goodbye, that,
"this will be the last time I see them..." but they just keep on. Mom is so amazing with them, and is a model older daughter that I hope I'll be.

A four generation picture - though Katelyn didn't quite cooperate. :) Then off to the airport. Mom and Dad were so sweet to take us there once again. It was such a good visit up to Calgary.

There, my cousins Justin and Emilie met us, and we got to meet their little girl Annaliese. We had a good visit for an hour and a half before security.

Holding each others precious little ones.
After saying goodbye to Justin and Emilie, we went through security. Our flight ended up being an hour and a bit delayed, so it was perfect timing to get Erik fed up, water bottles filled up, diapers changed, and a bit to eat and then on we went.

God answered the prayers of everyone that was praying for Erik to be a good little boy, and not do all this fussying stuff he has been doing. He slept the whole plane ride - totally amazing! So thankful that the other passengers didn't have to hear him cry - especially as we didn't land until 1 a.m. Katelyn did really well - slept for at least half the flight.

Watching a cartoon 'mov' with Katy just before landing. Then we found our car Mark had left (with drinks and snacks) and then home to our own bed.
So thankful to God for providing this time out west for us. It was a wonderful time. And it won't be terribly long until the girls come out in April!
Oh, so many beautiful photos and stories. I sure love your blog, Mrs. Heikoop!