Friday, April 4, 2014

Days With Grandma

A bunch of pictures from the last couple weeks - our time with dear mom - and our little growing girl.
After a bath. They're just extra cute when they're wrapped in a towel, don't you agree?!

My lovely bouquet from Glenda
Snuggle with Daddy
Reading their new books that Auntie Anne-Marie sent along for them. Such a thoughtful auntie.
More reading...
Erik with his tractor that Grandpa got just for him. Special. Those two can really connect with the whole tractor thing. 

Mom giving Amy a sink bath. 

A Sunday night Bible quiz game with the kids. James will often ask the kids Bible questions and this time he used the lego pieces to keep track of the score. Whoever had the highest tower won. (which you can't really see here)
Got the kiddos to help me wipe down the closet doors - playing with a wet rag is usually a fun task. 
And Laura got into it!
My little Katy with her scattery hair. 
A cousin - Jeannette and her daughter Molly came over for a visit, and brought us supper one day - so thankful for that! Katelyn had fun playing with her in the toy room. 

Mom (at the insistence of dad) took us out for lunch to the King's Buffet which was a special treat. Diane had Erik and Laura at the chapel, so it was a calmer lunch for a change! 
Us two. :) 
And having fun "posing" with our shoulders down and relaxed.. James was getting all into it. 
Little pumpkin in the mornings. 
Rach stopped by for a quick hi- and got to meet Amy. Good to see that whirlwind again! :) She's one amazing and busy young woman.
Doing what most people call a "selfie" but I'd say an "us-eee". :) 

We were visiting with an older man from our church, and he enjoyed a snuggle. 
Big sister, loves to hold the "new baby". 
My mom giving her another bath. 
And then a couple days before mom left, the kids had their first swimming lessons! Soo exciting! James was gone overnight for some sales training in Ohio with the company, so it was perfect to have mom with me to help with the kids.
Katelyn did so well, learning how to backfloat, blow bubbles, and get in and out of the pool safely. Erik was doing really well, but the other little one in his class, had a hard time with it - crying and screaming for the first 10 minutes or so. Which meant by the time she was calmer, he started crying - being cold, and a bit scared... poor guy. But he made it through, it just wasn't too productive with the teachers. Fun to watch your children learn and experience something new - at the same time your heart hurts when they are scared and worried...good growing times. 
After the lesson, and crazy getting lost between change rooms....we went home and to bed...
Good Grandma time.
Love this picture, as it shows her face shape and her cute chin quite well. 

My dear momma and me. This woman served us quite amazingly for the last three weeks. She kept up with the house, the laundry, the cooking, baking, playing with the kids, and was so joyful and encouraging through it all. She saw all the failings I have as a parent, yet never judges, but exhorts, and gives me ideas for teaching the little ones in love. So thankful for her. :) 
She made me 2 pillows and my new curtains for the basement - looks so great! - and caught up on my little mending pile!
Grandma and the children before she left...
On our way to the blessed by her sacrifice for us...and daddy's too. Made the transition from 3-4 much smoother. I've told her that I will be calling her in tears every so often on those tougher days :) She understands - and her and daddy pray for us every day.  God is good. 

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