Friday, April 4, 2014

Our newest Treasure

We wanted to get away - just James and I, before baby was to come.
We had tried the weekend before - 39 weeks along, but it ended up being a bit busy, and the babysitting help we thought may work out, didn' we waited until the next week to go. Yes, we both knew we'd be taking a chance, but we wouldn't be too far from home in case baby wanted to come early.
And it worked out beautifully. Mom and Dad Heikoop had the three kids, we got a great Wag Jag deal on a hotel for Niagara Falls, and then were going to go shopping just over the border the next day, come home, and get the kids at church on Sunday. Perfecto plans. 
But God had a different plan for us. :)
I dropped the kids off at the Windmill, after running a few errands since I had a van. Mission accomplished.
Then I picked James up back at our home, and we left for Niagara Falls.
I started having a few funny feelings - whatever that means - as there are so many strange feelings when you're expecting. :) We got to our lovely hotel around 8ish, got our room, and enjoyed a nice late dinner talking about Christmas memories. :) Then we were going to check out the pool  - well, the hot tub was what we were hoping for- but there wasn't any. Tragic. :) Oh well, I didn't feel too energetic.
Then I decided, I had to get pictures of me expecting as I had hardly any. :) Just in case...
So we tried - with James' phone barely charged enough to take a few. But here's what we got...
39 weeks and 5 days. (fyi - that picture is distorted... so don't think I was that tiny) :) 
So much for a together shot, but here we are. Happy. :)

Then after a couple hours of sleep, (in the most comfortable hotel bed I've slept in) I woke up with a start as contractions began at 2:30. I let James sleep til 4 a.m. and then woke him. :) We waited until 5:30 til we decide to leave. (almost didn't want to leave that bed...) By then, the contractions were getting harder. Exciting and crazy. As we left the hotel, and started driving down  the streets, I remembered I left my pillow back in the room....ahhh...and I love my pillow. So James turned around and ran back up. :) Then back to the road...and wow - all those bumps in the road that you feel in a new way while in labor. ;) I felt for the Alberta mom's- (especially my sister in law!) that have to travel over an hour to get to the hospital- in a whole new way. 
We just prayed that we would get home in time, and that the midwife would make it. :) We called her from Ancaster, and she met us a few minutes after we got home at 6:30. But I was only 3-4 cm. dialited. So the midwife knew that I could go quite quickly or perhaps it would be a while, ran home for a quick shower (she lived 10 minutes away) and then would come back in about an hour. Well, when she did, I was 7-9 cm. and 20 minutes later, we met our little GIRL! 

Amy Elizabeth was born at 8:33 a.m. 

We were so happy, and I was so thankful that it was over. It was an intense and challenging labor, and the fastest one yet - only an hour of active labor. The contractions were always 3-5, or even more - minutes apart - yet very hard. I was so thankful to the Lord for getting us home, the midwife there in time, and the safe arrival of our precious girl. 
Those first few hours are so precious - holding, and loving your new baby...are sweet moments to treasure.
Then we decided we should tell someone that we had a baby. 
No one knew we were in labor - kinda fun. :)  James thought we should just take the baby to church the next day -just show up. :) But we decided to tell. James took this picture of the baby's feet to tell all the uncles and aunts on his side - he texted them just the image - with no description. A few people got it, but some didn't get it for a few hours later. 
Sweet toes. 
Proud daddy a few minutes after our little treasure - Amy Elizabeth was born. 
We just flipped my name around - Elizabeth Amy. :) 
We both liked Amy - it's pretty, feminine, and not too popular at this point, and my name just worked well as a middle name.  
Midwife Kelly weighing our little bundle - 
8 lbs. 13 oz.  - 21" long. 
A whole pound smaller than Laura was.
After baby and I were all looked after, and we had told most everyone, the midwife left us for a few hours, and we rested - kinda. :) 
Suddenly we heard a knock, and it was Dad, Mom with Katy and Erik (Laura fell asleep in the car) to meet the baby!
So fun to show them their new sister. They were excited to see her -and to show me the presents that Oma had brought her. Katy wanted to hold her right away, and Erik wasn't quite ready yet. He missed his tractors more. :) 
Meeting their 25th grandchild.
Dad using his phone
Our family - minus Laura. :) 
Little Amy. She loves to have her hands up by her face.
Then they left, and we had some quietness for a bit. James was pretty tired, so he fell asleep while me, powered by adreneline, called the rest of my family, now that they would be all awake- (dealing with that two hour time difference). Then I took this shot, and texted it to all James' siblings saying "having a baby tires one out." :) 
James was such a huge support to me - as always. He is so steady, and knows what to do to help me out...sure love him. 
Abit later, Shantel stopped by - to meet the newest babe. 
And later on in the afternoon, Henry, Heather and the family came all the way up to meet Amy. They are so busy, yet they always take the time to meet the latest baby. They also spoiled her with some adorable clothes - Aunty Heather was the first to dress her, as I had just been enjoying cuddling her. 

After they left, it was fairly quiet for a bit - then around supper time, Diane and Brad stopped in for a few minutes, and was our pizza delievery service.
Mark also stopped by, before going to C&C - he brought me an Oreo McFlurry - totally spoiled!
And the good uncle William - though he had a long day, came all the way here to see Amy. 
He brought an ice cap (for me) and coffees for him and James - so I definitely was treated. 
Well - that water wasn't green in reality.
Her first bath. And she loved it!

Then to bed - so good to get some sleep again. Going thirty-six hours with two hours of sleep make you a bit tired. :) 
Very thankful for our little darling, and how God worked it all out. 

And to leave you with a smile...

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