Friday, April 4, 2014

Katy's Haircut

It was time. 
Time to do something with dear Katy's cute, but scraggly hair. :) 
It looks nice when it's "done" - in pigtails, or braids,  but on days when I don't have time, or after nap/quiet time, it often looks pretty messy. So, while mom was here, I was able to get a hair appointment for her and for me (just a trim).
I quickly grabbed a "BEFORE" shot as we left the house.
The back... :) 
While watching this cutie get her hair cut by a friend who works just down the road from our place, I was wishing I had brought my camera. It was her first official haircut after all. :) Then I thought, hey, the hairdresser would have her phone with her...perfecto! (I don't have one if you're wondering why I didn't use mine :) She was great with me letting her use her phone/camera, and I grabbed these shots to remember this fun morning! 

And here's the "AFTER" shot. 
Still thinner in the front, and short bangs after Oma gave them a trim. 
(Katy moved while she was cutting them...oops!) 
But so cute in the back!!
She loves it. 
And since before/after comparisons are fun...

Before...                                                            ...and After

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