Thursday, August 1, 2019

Central Soccer Season - May to June '19

It was Soccer time - and I only brought my camera to the last game. :) So I tried to capture it all in one evening - despite it being 7 weeks long. :) 
Deanna was a coach to the 4's and 5's - and that worked out great as Amy, Eden, Vanessa and Joel were all on that team. Then James coached the 6-8 year olds - which was Erik, Hudson, Reuben, Laura and Elita. Katy was on a older kids team. So I could just go from team to team, with the two little ones, or hang out at the park. 
Deanna is such a great coach. 

This is Amy - our helper for the last few months - She'll come 1-2 afternoons a week to help out with laundry and cleaning. All the kids love her - and we're going to miss her when she starts her nursing studies this fall. 

 Happy cousins.
Jason would get an extra soccer ball and have fun playing with it. 

Shantel came that night so they had some fun together. 

The little darling at the park. 

Katie all grown up on her team. 
She struggled with headaches and eye pain (started in March through to July this year) so she would often not enjoy the games that much. But she still wanted to play.

Side note - after many different types of medical visits - it's been dealt with, by a great chiropractor and more water. :) 

The mid-game devotional time. 
Jason enjoying a friend's lawn chair. He liked that he could get right up there by himself. 

A bunch of the organizers of this soccer outreach. 
Brad and Nessa. 
Ben and Willem. 
Playing with her cousins in the sandpit. 
The cousins. 
With their great coach. 

Katie and Amy's younger sister Sarah who was on her team. 
And James and his relatives on his team. :) 

Another great year. :) 

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