Friday, August 2, 2019

Heikoop Cottage - June '19

Another cottage time! We did it in June instead of September this year, as it worked well for everyone to get together to celebrate (early) Mom and Dad Heikoop's 50th anniversary. A bunch of us came a few days early to this cottage resort place, and shared cottages to cut the cost, and then when we were all together, Mom and Dad blessed us with providing for the costs of these lovely cottages. 

We got to have the Dyck side come this year which was great. 

There was a large recreational room that we used for eating and games. We brought up the tables and chairs, and it worked great. 

Went on a boat ride with a bunch of kiddos to keep them busy... and realized that me being pregnant and boats that are even going slowish is to much craziness for me. :) I was more scared than not. haha.
Katy and Jordan. 

We shared a cottage with Ben and Dee for the first couple days which was a lot of fun. After we separated, we both missed each other. The kids all had fun too. 

Most of the little kids had fishing rods, which provided lots of work and entertainment for us parents - getting lines out of trees, untangling lines, getting hooks ready, and getting the rods out of the water if they were dropped in. ;) 
Lydia having some quiet time. 

Henry and Heather brought some kayaks up and they got so much use out of them. This is Erik and Hudson. 
Crocs like Dad - Brad and David. 

Katie doing the long board thing. 
My Canadian Man. :) He just came back from town getting some supplies and came back with a coffee. 
Henry and Theressa

The Oma of many. 
Heather brought a whack of games for the kids to play. 
Rob and Brielle. 

We had a few days of provided food via Mom and Dad - and this Swiss Chalet evening was one of them. 
Married 50 years!

One afternoon, we did some the girl's nails... Brielle just climbed into the foot washing tub and enjoyed it. 

Tim helping out for a bit. :) 
Our resident nail artist - I roped her in... sweet girl. 

A Chinese Meal - so yummy! Ben and Dee did most of the organizing on behalf of Mom and Dad and we appreciated it all so much. 

Celebrating Henry and Rachel's birthday on one of the days. 

Brendon M. and his family stopped by for a few hours, so we had him take a quick picture of us all from the balcony - since we were ALL there for a few days - even Peter and Nelly!

Jason playing with Dad's walking sticks.

The original girls. 

Every evening - Heather did a story - on Ravi Zaacharias as well as sharing testimonies from almost all of the grandparents - on both sides. She put a lot of effort into it which was really neat. 

Getting all clean after a swim one day. 
A special dessert made by Sarah to celebrate mom and dad. 

We were all together on the day of Asher's Glory Day - 4 years ago, Ben and Deanna's little baby was taken right to heaven. I just grabbed this shot of Eden after they came back from having some family time together to remember him. 

Me and my two oldest having a late night - COLD- swim. I only went swimming a couple days, but that day I was determined to get into that lake - even if it wasn't til after 8.
We did a lunch river cruise - thanks to the older nieces and nephews who watched all the children for a few hours. Very kind of them. Us adults had a nice time being together. 

All the guys - these handsome men... but my fav is the one on the right ;) 
Sarah thought she'd just get in the middle of her admirers. :) 
The siblings. 
Brad taking up the shot. :) 
The original family - missing Bonnie. 
Dad and the guys. 
And a few adorables in the reflection. :) 
And the most important shot of all - the in laws. :) We are quite the wonderful mix, and together help balance and be balanced. ;) 

Love this one of Peter and Daisy. 

I have such pretty sisters... 
The Lunch Cruise boat. 
Coming back to the cottages, we see this long line of kids come from the rec room. :) 

Amy being my lighting model - I took a bunch of pictures of the family while there - so I could fit them in before this baby is born. :) 
Jason opening and closing the door.
Erik and Jason paddling right beside me in the water. 
Living his best life. 

Cousins and Freezies. 
This was the last lunch before we left. Getting one last swim in before we left, and eating leftovers! Then it was time to pack up and leave for home - a wonderful 5 days away. 
Our family stopped in at Ikea for supper and to figure out some things for our upcoming bathroom reno. Then James got sick on the way home - strep throat - and was in bed for the next few days - but we made it through the unpacking and such without him. :) 
This was the only thing that was not nice about our week :) The black flies were so bad... the kids were bitten and eaten a ton. It took more than a month for some of the scars to be gone. Lots of itchy nights - but other than that, a great time. Thankful for this family. 

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