Monday, December 16, 2019

August 30th, 2019 - Adele Christine Arrives

Our little Adele Christine arrived on August 30th - 9 lbs. 13 oz.
Only one day "late" which was wonderful. I had some labor signs the night before, and felt a bit off for the day - but took the kids to Diane's neighbor's pool, meeting up with them and Deanna's family for the morning. Diane took the youngest three girls for the afternoon for a tea party, and by the time it was time to get them home, I was pretty sure labor was about to get serious so she kept them! 
This was taken while putting Jason to bed - his last night of being the youngest in the family. :) Contractions was getting more consistent by then. 
The oldest two wanted to stay home so badly, so they were told they had to stay in their room, and look after Jason in the morning and not bother mom and dad at all. :) They happily agreed and were little angels - sleeping through the night and looking after Jason as promised.
Our night was a bit longer than theirs. :) Contractions were very manageable which frustrated me, as I knew that meant a long time til the end. I rewarded myself with a piece of watermelon between contractions, and we called our wonderful midwife when it got much more challenging. Labor slowed after she got there for a bit, but a couple hours later we got to the end, and we had our baby!!
Sweet little girl getting all checked out. 
Then it was time to relax and enjoy her and get some sleep - which I actually did - with a little baby beside me. Such a treat which I savored- especially after Jason's busy first few hours.
Then, in the morning, James brought in the three older siblings to meet Adele.
Katy and Erik had a deal, that if it was a boy, Katie held him first, but if it's a girl, then Erik got to hold her. :) Well Erik won, and this brother of 5 girls held his newest sister. 

Then Jason met Adele - and it was the sweetest thing. He right away put his head to hers and said "awww..." and then kissed her when Erik told him to.

Diane brought the three girls home for a bit so they could meet Adele. Sweet moments. 

awww- so darling. 
And then tired me with all my little ones - seven - that's crazy. Girls on one side and boys on the other - totally not planned. :) 
Amanda came to take some of the children home to her place for the day, and then Miranda came to take the oldest two and Jason. Such a huge blessing. 
Henry and Heather came that night with all the kids to meet Adele, and other than that - James and I just enjoyed our newest treasure. Such a wonderful first day!

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