Monday, December 16, 2019

September 2019 - Anne-Marie's Visit

Dear Anne-Marie came once again after one of our baby's arrival to serve and help us through the transition time. She so sweetly took time off work and helped out for over a week. The kids all love having her around. As you can see, she does the best stuff with them. 

The little girl who was watching the whole baking process. 

She did lots of school with the kids. 

 Reading, and looking after whatever kids needed it. 
 We all went for a bike ride to our near by Tim Hortan's - a quick easy outing. 

 The holder of the leftover doughnuts. 
 Anne-Marie and I went out for a few hours to find clothes for our upcoming family picture. Nice just to be us + Adele and run around shopping. 
 Everytime she comes it seems, we manage to land our annual trip to Dairee Delite. (I think we sometimes go twice a year...depending if we have gift certificates. :) So that was great. 

 One afternoon it was time for the Ancaster Fair, so we took off for 3 hours to see it all. The kids got in free which was great, and we did a few rides instead of the admission cost. :) 

 Checking out the poultry. 

 Laura is pointing an a chicken who, in her words "looks like my hair when I wake up!" :) 

 Such crazy interesting creatures!
 And I got pretty tired, so I sat by a tractor in the shade and waited for a bit. Then the kid participated in a few harvest games - like who can get an Oreo from their forehead to their mouth - three of my girls did it along with eight or more kids- and Amy won. :) She got to pick between a pumpkin or a bag of apples... first deciding on a pumpkin, but later changing it for a bag of apples. :) Pretty fun.

 Katy and Anne-Marie loved this one - and I loved watching them all!
 We did a quick under eye mask - cause that's what girls do. ;) Little fun things in between feeding and Anne-Marie's night school studying... like doing an ultra quick shopping trip for an outfit a couple hours before she flew out so we could squeeze in a fast photo shoot. It was mid day but we still got some pretty shots. :) 

Then it was a quick dash to the airport and another goodbye - She was flying home for a few days and then to Vancouver where she is going to live with Tim for a couple months. 

Goodbyes. Thankful for her sacrifice to our family once again. 

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