Monday, December 30, 2019

Christmas 2019 Newsletter


Merry Christmas to all you dear friends and family,

Going into a new year, we usually look back and we ask ourselves whether or not what we accomplished was successful. And then wonder how or what needs to be changed to be more successful this coming year. As a goal orientated person, I’m constantly wanting to see success in what I’m doing. Something I’m learning is that as Christ followers we are not called to success, but rather to being faithful to our God. So instead, our annual question should be this: how faithful to the Lord were we this past year?
“The proven mark of a Christian is his continuance” – Alistar Begg. And as Jesus said - “by their fruits {which take a long time to grow} you shall know them…” It’s in our everyday decisions that we can grow the fruits of His Spirit working in us; one being faithfulness. All our choices display the level of faithfulness we have to Christ and His Word; by the media we intake, the words we say to our families, and in all the sacrifices that seem so un-noticed.  I pray that this coming year, we will keep being reminded of what’s most important – staying true & faithful to Christ in the mundane, to what He has called us to do.
Some highlights of the past year:
Winter-Spring: Finding out that #7 was on its way, and all the children getting Chicken Pox was how we started the year. At the end of April, I was able to take a trip back west, to be with my parents for a bit. Such a special time just to be with them and some of my siblings– while James (and other helpers!) looked after the children.  My parents surprised me by coming out to help out for a week when Jason was in the hospital – (more on that below) -the best surprise! And they also came in October for a week. My mom’s Parkinson’s is progressing slowly, which we are thankful for.
Summer: Our annual Heikoop cottage week was much enjoyed – lots of swimming, boating and fishing attempts by the kids (and untangling of the kid’s rods for us parents). The whole family was able to be together there to celebrate Mom and Dad Heikoop’s 50th. We also had a special celebration for them on their actual anniversary – October 4th. Everyone was able to be together again which was amazing! We also were able to go camping with our church for a weekend. We borrowed a brother in law’s camper, as I was 38 weeks pregnant and didn’t feel like tenting. 😊 A fun time to be with the family of God, campfires, swimming and chatting. Getting to meet my sister Charissa’s husband Gerrit was also a surprise this summer, as they had previously eloped! Now James can’t be the favorite son in law! Friends Jared and Breanne Mosher, stopped in on their way moving back west, so we got in a short visit with them.
Fall: Andrew & Rebecca’s family came all the way out here for a week in September, which was such a blast! There were 4 adults and 14 children in the house, yet it felt pretty calm. We were able to go to the African Lion Safari together, do a couple bike ride with all of us (one in the pouring rain) and make many great cousin memories.   
Adele Christine joined our family on August 30th – I was so surprised that we had another girl!! She is such a delight, and I love how all of the other children just enjoy her. Jason loves to hold her, and does baby talk to her, even tho’ he is still working on all that speech stuff himself. My sister Anne-Marie came out for almost 2 weeks to help us out after Adele was born which was very appreciated – she is a special auntie!  
Jason – (already 2) This guy has made great leaps this year, going from walking, to running, to kicking the ball, to drop kicking a ball, volleying it, and playing driveway hockey with Erik. Perhaps our biggest challenge as a family this year, came when he got a 3rd degree chemical burn in March. He had gotten into a cupboard where this strong dishwasher soap was, ended up sitting in a small puddle that had spilt, and started screaming. After checking his hands where I thought he might have come in contact with it – I went to give him a bath and realized he had severely burned his right thigh – a large black patch the size of an avocado on his side. We ended up having to be taken by Ambulance to Sick Kids in Toronto – and thus began 7 weeks of surgeries. We came back every week for a day or two, as Jason would go through skin grafting- first getting rid of the dead skin which took 3 surgeries, as they had to scrape down to the muscle. Then 4 more times being put out for the actual skin grafting. It was a rough time, but he was such a champ. The Lord provided much help through family & our church family, with babysitters and meals. By the time we were finally done, Jason had experienced a lot of morphine, two whole leg casts, wore a wound vac that he would pull around (as he was just learning to walk when it happened) and lots of bandages. I’m so thankful for God’s mercies - that the burn wasn’t on his hands, joint or eyes…it could have been much worse.  As soon as we finished the surgeries, he was off running! Jason was just discharged from Physical Therapy, and now goes to Speech Therapy about once a month and his sign language is increasing. He wears the cutest glasses, (which we try to keep on!) and also says about 4-6 words, which are pretty sweet. He brings us much joy.
Leanne (3) – still our firecracker of a child. Her way of communicating continues to amaze me. She’s a little debater and wants to do everything the others do. She can’t wait to “do school” so I try to keep her occupied with different workbooks in the mornings. She and Jason have a pretty cute relationship, wrestling each other, then dancing, then pushing each other around.
Amy (5) – She started Grade 1 this year and is doing really well. She loves science and is quick with math. Amy also joined the older children in weekly music lessons which she loves. I love this girl’s smile and how she looks after Adele. I definitely feel like I’m getting more and more helpers, and though life is busier, there is a slight bit of “ease-ier-ness” as the other children help and learn to help each other.
Laura (7) – a natural little mother, Laura helps out with Jason and Adele so fluently. She is one who just asks what she wants to know, and is super sensitive to other’s needs. She makes sure that everyone gets served, sings songs to her sisters to help them get to sleep first, and runs to help Jason or Adele. She blesses us all. Laura is pretty motivated in her school, and is an excellent little reader and speller.
Erik (8) – His love for history has grown in Grade 3, and he’s also a whiz at math. Our bread and brownie maker, his jokes keep us laughing or groaning. He is so good with his little brother, and I love seeing his kind heart. He and Katie are getting more into board games – both are so competitive that it’s interesting to see them work together, but they are the best of buds. We did another 8 weeks of soccer in the spring which the oldest four enjoyed.
Katelyn (10) – Honestly can’t believe that we almost have a young woman! Katelyn has grown so beautifully this past year, and I love seeing how God is working in her heart. Still loves reading, is quite motivated in her school work, sings songs with her friends at our fellowship, and works hard at her piano. Katie and Laura both got awards with MYC – Laura got 2nd in Eastern Canada for her own composition in her age group and Katie got 3rd in Eastern Canada in her age group. Erik received an honorable mention – so pretty special for all of them.
Liz - This past year was one of my hardest seasons, with being pregnant, the busyness of Jason’s life with many appointments, and going through a tough time of postpartum depression for almost 9 months after our miscarriage last September. Thankful for those who helped me, listened and loved when I didn’t feel able to keep going. God is good & faithful, tho it’s hard to see it- when it feels so dark. Life seems so much glorious, now that I have energy and vision. Homeschooling is very full time – so I’ve dropped photography for this season. Once in a while, I’ll do a bit, but for now, my family and whoever God brings – is about all I’m able to do. 😊 James continues with Whitebird sales, eldership at our church and looking after us all so well. He has been working on a lot of Scripture memorization with the kids which I’m so thankful for. We have much growing to do, but I’m forever thankful for the man who God gave me.
Thankful for you, friends & family. Come for a visit if you’re in the area and may God bless your lives, and may you continue to be faithful to Him (being empowered by His Spirit) and to what He has called you to.
With love,
James, Liz, Katelyn, Erik, Laura, Amy, Leanne, Jason and Adele

Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory
 with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power,
both now and ever. Amen.”  Jude 24-25

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