Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sunday Walk

Our church family does a few different events together in the summer. This time it was going for a walk/bike ride, and then back to the chapel for ice-cream sundae's. :) It was nice just to get out and visit with others. The weather was humid but thankfully, the walk was mostly in the shade.
A nice breather for the hot weather everyone has been having.
The group that went. 

Katy wanted to ride her bike, and her daddy helped her most of the way as we were on gravel for a lot of it. 

Pretty Shantel 
The "destination" - i.e. the place where we turned around and went back to our hot cars. 
Reese and his daddy, Mike. 
The ice-cream was so perfect after that walk. Complete with oreos, strawberries, gummy bears, a few syrups, and other such deliciousness to top our vanilla goodness with. :)  
Mr. Coffey enjoying his dessert. :)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Tiny Fingers, Big Keys

 At one of his favorite places to be...
May you grow up to love His music, and use it for His glory little man. 
Two hands and One year. :)  
And, what's better to do than to play under the piano after you're done?

Little Boy

 Erik James...
The little man who makes me:
Laugh over his cuteness
Pray for strength
Desire sleep
Cry over helplessness, and how to train him
Amazed at his music abilities
Impressed with his ball handling skills
Hope for the future

Special Gifts

Through all the crazyness of the past few weeks, there have been some special surprises and gifts from the Lord. And of course, this is only a few. :)
Pink hydrangeas in my backyard - and lots of them!! I've wanted to have hydrangeas, but didn't even know what was all in the backyard when we bought it. So that was exciting! 
Having special people over. Jim and Esme - both in their 90's came for supper a few days ago. Neat to hear a bit more of their lives - they're from our church. 
Our grapes, in our arbor in the backyard. This will be exciting to have grapes of our very own...we'll see how it goes! 
Yesterday, Shelly a dear friend - mom of 5, called me up, and said, "I'm taking you for a pedicure"! Sister in law, Deanna, was able to babysit, and off we went for a delightful hour or so. I got the pink toes. :) And Shelly got the cute yellow ones. I felt so spoiled and loved.
Some little gifts from the Lord...
He knows how to "give good gifts to His children..."

Cute Kids in a New Home

Exhausted, from life, but finally in our home.
Miss Katie, having her breakfast. 
Erik the messy. 
Watching some Baby Einstein for a bit. 
Little blue eyes. :)

Moving Day

Moving day finally came. :) And, even thought I had been a bit worried about getting it all done, and not sure if there would be some extra help, God had it covered, as always, and we were super blessed by lots of help. :) We had babysitters for the kids, so we could go hard at it all day.
All my precious and labed totes getting packed up. 
Nel took a break from her studies to help me clean the house, as did mom. 
Our last picture in our little home. :) (thanks to William)
Then I finally got to go see the new home, and what it looked like. :) Diane had spent some time organizing my kitchen and making the house look abit more homey when I came - meant a ton. :)  

Our first supper in our new home with some of the help. :) We had a couple men from our church help out as well.
Excited to be, and excited to hurry and get the rest of the work done..but I will take lots of time!!


At last, some more recent pictures to show you. :)
It's all about the house, and the painting and the tear down, build back up moments.
 James painting in a spot I don't dare try to reach right now..
 This wall, about to come down...
Greg and Mike yanking down the partition between the kitchen and dining room.
They had fun by the way.
Our church did a work day for us, which was incredibly helpful!!! So thankful for their help.
The ladies did painting, while the guys did construction, some more painting and sanding, etc.
 James and Wayne chatting over lunch.
Joanne, Shelly and Althea with Avia. 
Dear Nel with little Tia. 
James and I, on one of our many afternoons/evenings together painting.
This is of the basement. The right hand room is the guest room, fyi. 
Me. :) Painting. 
Shantel, taping off the tile. I was so thankful for her help, and a bunch of other ladies that came to help one morning. We painted furiously, trying to get everything done before our carpet man was to lay it down. We did it. :)  
Hannah spent a day helping us (as did Lydia - when she wasn't babysitting) 
Those girls have seen a lot of paint cans. :)
Me and Shantel, before she headed up north for a week long mission trip. 
Mark starting to lay down our hardwood flooring in the living room. 
 And to finish off this post, this was our most cutest helper. :) He was putting the wood pieces back for Daddy.
All done... :)

Three's for Grownup Little Girls

This little girl is all big now.
She's three. :)
We had come home at midnight the day before/on her birthday, and with the home renovations starting, her actual day was pretty low key.
But, Steph and her girls came to the Windmill for lunch and park time which was special. 

 Playing with her new toys from the girls!
 Love this shot of Katie - it was hot...sooo hot. And they were done in from playing.
But we looked cheerful for one last shot. :)
Then it was home for a nap, then a spaghetti supper (her favorite!) and off to see the new home and what was accomplished. We had Cake with strawberries, and I thought for sure, I had taken some pictures, but one of my card's is we'll have to see what happened to it.
Updated: at least we found one other picture. (excuse the watermark.) :)
Auntie Deanna and Uncle Ben and Uncle William came by for some cake, which was nice. Then after some work on the house, we all went home to bed. :)

Off to Another Land...

One of the most pretty places I know...
On June 7th, me and the two kiddo's boarded the plane to head to this beautiful spot.
That is. After missing our 7 a.m. flight, (by 4 min.). (moral of the story is: never buy a purse that matches your home door, and always double check to make sure your purse is in the van.
Especially if it has all of your ID in it.)
Anda fter breakfast at the Windmill to soothe the sad two year old,  after some van repairs, after a nap, after laundry, after re-packing...
...and after saying goodbye to my handsome man...on our anniversary...
Oma drove us to the airport, where we were on time, but then had to wait for over an hour due to lighting issues. 
This little girl was super excited to go flying, and every minute of waiting was a challenge. 
Thankfully, our small airport had a play area. We had enough time to do 2 diaper changes, 2 potty breaks, and playtime before boarding. 
My beautiful anniversary roses from my man.
He gave them to me at 4:30 a.m. and through all the roughness of that long day, they still kept nice - and lasted for almost two weeks! A special reminder from my James.
Watching our plane come in. 
Then hooray! We made it on! (at 5:30 p.m. Ontario time)
The flight went alright. I was nervous/excited over the challenge of flying with two. Erik was good for the first half, and exhausting the second half. He had to sit on his own seat (even though he was supposed to sit on my lap for the whole time...) and have a seat belt on. 
Katie, on the other hand, had a blast. She loved watching some kid's movies, and didn't even use the bathroom the whole flight - she didn't know there were restrooms in it. :) (but we made great use of them on the way back!)
God answered prayer, and the lady across the aisle was a a huge help. She let the little ones play with her ipad, and helped keep things a bit calmer than they would've been.
I was done in, and had tears to prove it, but hooray, my mom and Charissa was patiently waiting for us at the airport, and we made it! It was so good to see them again!! Then we started the trip to the farm. A long day, (started at 4:30 a.m. - 2 a.m.)  But so glad to be in Alberta.
Thus started almost two weeks of fun...
Katie and Erik playing.
Mom had a bunch of fun dress-up clothes which Katie loved playing with her cousins. 

The start of mom's square foot garden...which is doing amazing once again. 
The farm.
I seriously felt like a tourist back in Alberta. As we drove alone, I'm just staring at all the wide open spaces. It's! :)
Me and the kiddos' - and my raccoon eyes :)
Another reason for visiting Alberta was being able to attend my friend Rochelle's wedding. So this is us, before we're dressed up. :)  
 Us three sisters.
My pretty momma. 
Anne-Marie was a candle lighter at the wedding - and got to use her dress from our wedding again.
I don't have as many pictures as I would have liked to post...I lost them somewhere... hope to get them back, but we'll see. 
The beautiful bride! Their (Nathan and Rochelle) wedding was lovely. So God honoring, and meaningful. 
I got to sing with my sisters at the reception. Nice to sing that kind of harmony again.
The Fehr kids singing. It was pretty neat to hear how good they've gotten, and see them all grown up. 
James and Heather with Geoffrey, their youngest. 
The girls made "tree houses" together.
Karina, Katie and Felicity.
James and Heather left for a couple days while all the kids stayed at the farm. I got to spend a bit more time with all of them, which was special.

We went to Writing on Stone for a hot dog roast and walk in the hoodoo's. That was super fun.
Katie's first experience roasting s'mores
Erik and Geoffrey at the picnic table.
We went for a hike up to the closed tourist centre -I still haven't seen inside it. :)

The cutie. (he's held behind - don't worry. :)
Eating watermelon back at the farm.
Making some easy cookies together. 
 Uncle Andrew reading Erik's favourite book (Richard Scarry's busy town book) to him and Ethan.
 The adorable Daniel. Good grief -that boy is photogenic. :)
I got to do their family's pictures while I was there, but those will be on my photo blog...soon! :)
They are quite adorable. :)
The two cousins on the motor car.
The girls had such fun playing dress-up together, and twirling around in their pretty dresses.
Visiting "Great" Grandpa. The children were so good with him, and he kinda like them too. :) It was a bit strange to see Gramps with Grandma, his faithful companion. But not as hard as I had thought.
Bethany came with us to see Grandpa.
Auntie Anne-Marie and Katelyn working in the garden. It was so beautiful there....
Putting the grass and dirt in the wheelbarrow.
She suggested to Anne-Marie, "can you make smaller pieces for me?"
The amazing Auntie.
Playing volleyball with the Jost cousins. Just another reminder of how grown up everyone has gotten...sniff...sniff... and how horrible at volleyball I am. :) It didn't help that they were about to compete in our little church's volleyball tournament the next day and they were all practiced up. :) While I, expecting this new little one, just feel like a volleyball. :)
Katie, working on her play dough that Grandma/Auntie Annie made for her.
Erik, working his "magic".

After nap time, Mom, Anne-Marie and I with the kids, went to watch the volleyball tournament.
There were some good players, I'd have to admit. :)
Charissa, Tim and cousin Joel were a team.
The little ones playing on the trampoline.
Neat to see a friend from Washington that I hadn't seen since before getting married - dear Lucy. :) She came up to help one of my cousins, and his wife, and their four children for a couple weeks.
Tim setting it up for a spike.
My favorite pix of the day. Luke and Tim battling it out. I love Luke's shadow.
"Our" team
While the others continued their tournament, we went back to the farm, and after supper, Erik got his beloved tractor ride. We all rode in the hay wagon at the back and then walked home.
Anne-Marie and the munchkin.
The little man, in all his glory, waved to us "peasants" behind on his own accord.
My dear parents. 40 years married.

Love this shot of my daddy with his grandson. I so hope Erik can learn lots from Grandpa.
Driving together

The kids got to experience their first parade in a town nearby, and I got to finally see a friend I hadn't seen for a while, Naomi. :)
The local RCMP
Naomi's daughter, Morgan riding in the library float. :)
Watching and loving the parade, and all the candy.
Catching up with Naomi, and watching the parade.
Erik, another one of Naomi's children. He and our Erik share the same name. :)
This mascot came by, and Grandma asked Katelyn if she wanted to give it a hug, which she did. So she got to give it a big hug. On the way home from the parade, she said in disappointment, "but mommy, I didn't kiss him."
Andrew and Rebecca were in the parade with all their kiddo's. (they just put Katie on Karina's bike for a few minutes here) They have five people in tandem. :) All dressed "western".
Karina and Grandma.
Naomi and me. :)
Later on in the day, we went to the city, and went bowling with Cam and Lisa. That was a lot of fun, but I totally bombed. I was the lowest of the pack - yes, even Katie beat me. Shall I even say the lowly score...64. :)
Grandma getting cheered on by Alanna.
Grandpa helping the kid's bowl. And bowl well. Grandpa was the secret weapon to their success. :)
Erik loved having a chance to play with those balls.
Everyone bowling.
Grandpa came too, and enjoyed the chaos with us.! I'm so thankful that mom and my family sacrifice so much time to love and spend with Grandpa. Even though it is challenging to take him many places now, it's something they will never regret. They bring so much joy to his life, at a time when he is lonely.
Adorable kid's bowling shoes. :)
Afterwards, we went to Cam and Lisa's home for burgers and homemade ice-cream. Does it get better than that. :) Sigh... :) Such a nice time all together. I just savoured all the moments spent with family I don't see very often.
The next day was Father's Day - nice to be with my dad, but the kid's were without theirs, so we sent this note to James to bless his heart. :)
My little curly headed princess - thanks to Grandma for the hair and dress. :)
Picking strawberries with Auntie Anne-Marie and Auntie Charissa
Erik working on the lawn mower with Grandpa.
A little troll crossing the bridge.
Finally went to see my pond...sweet memories of digging in the dirt. ;)
London Bridge with the Aunties.

Having a tea-party with all of us for lunch.
A little birthday party for the three-year-old-in-two days. :) Loving Grandma made it so special for her. Andrew and Rebecca came over for the evening too, which was fun,
Being spoiled by her loving aunts and uncles.
Modeling her adorable outfit from Aunt Rebecca and Uncle Andrew.
The cousins and their silly smirks.
Amazing Grandpa giving them a ride on beloved "Putt Putt".
In Uncle Andrew's tractor with Daniel. That boy (Daniel) is amazing with tractors. He drives them (yes, under supervision) incredibly, and loves the farm life. :)
Saying goodbye to Becca...
It was exciting to hear the news, that their fourth one is on the way!!! Poor girl is super sick.  
One picture with Andrew before he left. (and my daddy snuck in on purpose. :)
Then at last, it was time to say goodbye to everyone. Mom, Anne-Marie and Charissa took us to the airport, where we boarded our 6 p.m. flight.
Here we go again, goodbyes...oh how I hate thee.
The only thing good about saying goodbye to someone on one end, is saying hello to another on the other end. This time it was James waiting, and I couldn't not wait to see him!!!!
The flight was a challenge, but we made it. Thankfully, I was given a whole row to myself, and my little boy cried a fair deal. I had picked that late flight, so that he would be sleeping for half of it...but nope. He literally fell asleep (after screaming for a while) seconds after we landed. What a rascal.
But we made it, and home to my beloved. So, so, so, so glad to see James again.
Then it was to start a crazy two weeks of packing, and all the Reno's for the new home...
with more pictures to come.
So that was my trip to Alberta. I may put more pictures up some time of the ones I lost...we'll see. :)
It was a memorable time, in which I felt quite spoiled by everyone. We got lots of great times together, good visits, girl time, family time, delicious food (mom made my requests: cinnamon buns, her lasagna, smoothies, etc.) and enjoyed it all immensely. Thanks to my family for making this time work for us. :)