Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas!
 Our little dolly - with hat from a friend at our church - thanks Glenda! (finally got her pictures taken in it!)
 Almost done mom?
(kinda looks like the "grinch that stole Christmas" face. :)
{Little Santa Baby}
 We're heading off to Alberta on Christmas Day for some family time with everyone there. We're getting quite excited, and am starting to get everything packed up for the flight. We can finally meet the newest "Fehr" grandbabies, and they can all meet Laura.
Lots of cousins to go around... gone are the days when we all had to wait to hold the newest baby...(back in the days of Bethany, Sam and the twins...)
Have a wonderful time with your families, celebrating the birth of Jesus- our Savior.
See you in 2013!

Miss Pink in Blue

 A sweet friend that works at the Windmill made this for Laura - her first crocheted blanket.
It's so cozy, and Laura looks darling -matches her eyes. :)
 She's smiling more and more. :)
Uncle Tim came over for supper last night, and read the kids a story before bed - all three of them.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Our Christmas Program

Another Christmas program has come and gone. :)
The 2's and 3's class sang a verse of "Happy Birthday Jesus" all by themselves - so sweet. :) Katie did pretty good too - I actually her heard her voice from the piano where I was playing.
Another class - God's Gift was Jesus!
Shelly did a neat job teaching one of the classes sign language to "Silent Night" (accompanied by Steve Green's soundtrack) It was beautiful.
A bunch more of the kiddos'.
A neat evening - a good outreach time as well.

She's One Month!

 Dear little Laura is a month...and you know what that means... bring out the puppy dog. :)
Laura's latest & greatest
She is now 12 lbs.
Starting to sleep through most of the night
Has some sweet little smiles
A few little coo's/conversations

Is pretty much adorable :)

Our Nursery

Here's a look into our nursery - Erik's room for now...
(I don't have a really good "before" picture, so I skipped it this time - but just to remind you, it had a pink rug... :)
 The view from the doorway - Erik's crib, and the "Fehr" baby shoes
- pictures taken by Amanda Q, a few years ago. :)
 One day - it will be fun to do some different curtins -these ones are left over from our other house... but it works great for now.
 More pictures taken by dear Amanda of our old toys and clothes...
The closet - with Laura's clothes on the left, and Erik's shirts on the right. :) I love having a baby storage spot - the playpen is in the closet as well, as all of Erik's clothes, laundry hamper, diapers, blankets, bumbo - etc. :)
So there you go - another piece of our home. :)

Cousin Visit

Elita came over to join our little party for an afternoon last weekend.
It was nice to finally watch Diane's girl for a change -a she's so good about watching my two...
Both Erik and Katelyn loves watching over her.
Hope they all have a blast growing up together - being close - like good cousins are supposed to be. :)
I sure had fun growing up with mine.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Cute x 3

Our three treasures.

Life Lately

We're working on the laundry room right now...which is quite exciting. :) So that means a few evenings of painting, after James' work building shelves, and drywall/mudding, etc.
 My man working away.
Laura didn't feel like being left out of the fun. 
 Can't wait to finish it up - clean it, and everything.
On Sunday we had an older couple from our church over for lunch. (one of my freezer meals :)
Mr. Avey playing with Erik. 
 Mrs. Avey loving Laura.
She's an amazing woman - as she looks after her husband with great patience.
 The gang.
 Mr. and Mrs. Avey.
Thankful for pictures of some of the older people from our church.
Making candy cane cookies with the kiddos yesterday - always a busy time as you manage the flour and eager hands ready to devour the dough. :) Those cookies always remind me of the "C" family from our Alberta church. :) Good memories - past and present.
We don't have a lot of Christmas baking to do this year - because all the ladies at Whitebird (where James works) included me in their Christmas baking exchange (thanks Diane!) right after Laura was born. I didn't even have to do any exchanging - just enjoying...super thankful for that right now!
God always provides and blesses...

More love

Steph and her girls stopped by to bring us supper (we had over a week of wonderful supper meals, provided by the ladies in our church) and we got in a visit and some cuddles. :)
Marissa :) I just didn't get a picture of Mia holding Laura.
Thankful for friends.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Do You See What I See?

My big boy.
(taken by Uncle William)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Slow Down...

Amazing to think that this little girl has already been with us for three weeks!
Slow down little girl!!
Mommy is trying to soak you in. So I'm holding you lots, even as I type, breathing in your clean-baby-scented-hair, and kissing your sweet head...
Trying to savour  the moments...

O Christmas Tree

Our Christmas Tree.
(with it's star cropped out...I was just playing around with the camera... :)