Friday, May 15, 2020

April - Adele is 8 Months

My happy, grabby, hands on baby!

Adele's Latest and Greatest:
-Can pull herself up

May 2020 - Spring Moments

Little Miss Fashionable, on her way to the park. 

Cousins Avelyn & Leanne playing hair salon. 

Us <3

A picnic outside on a warmer spring day. 

May 2020 - In her Highchair

April - Cleaning Up

I'm missing my Amy girl - the one who comes and helps me, usually weekly. But with the quarenine, we've been doing it without her. So the kids have been doing more - which is always good. I had them each do a small section of the walls, and each had a door to wash, They did great.

April - School projects

All of her geometry figures that she made. :) 

Working on her music homework. 

March - Late Night Applesauce

A shared snack before bed. If you look closely, you'll see Jason has black marker on his face. :)

April - Little Things

Leanne wanted to make a cookie pie - so we did that together. 

Amy's locket. :) 
Off she goes. 
Watching "the Wingfeather Saga" by Andrew Peterson - his nightly readings of his book with the quarantine. The kids have enjoyed it. 

April - Homeschooling Life

Me teaching, and Erik, well... being Erik. :) 
Some days are just in-ner-esting... teaching and working with these darling kids. We all are getting sanctified!

April - Boys & Water

He loves it when he can play with water.

April - 2020 - Leanne

April - What Creativity Looks LIke

Erik had gotten a few Kiwico crates for his birthday -and this one was pretty fun - a spinning paint wheel. They've had lots of fun with this one!

Laura with her finished composition of "Raindrops" which won 3rd place in Eastern Canada in her age division with MYC. 

During school, she'll often empty my pantry of it's cans, and play with her stuffed animals and all the food. Making castles, or house or something - it's pretty cute. And yes, she did her own hair. 

Erik doing his English. 
Katie is into cooking competitions - so she wanted to go against me. So we did it - bacon was our similar ingredient. I made sweet potato fries with a veggie and cheese topping - with caramelized bacon. And she made rice, veggies and bacon, with a corn and beans medley with a sauce on top. It was quite fun. Then everyone had to judge. :) I think mine may have won - but it was also too rich... :) 

This was for a school project - book report - that Katie did. Inside the bag were items that represented highlights from the book.