Monday, March 18, 2013

Day 67 {Cousins}

Absolute preciousness.
I did a bunch of quick pictures of the children that are in and out of our nursery for our church's annual slideshow last Sunday, so here they are. :)
Aren't they cute. (that wasn't a question. rather.a.statement) :)
Hunk of a babe- Reuben
and sweet Elita. (but super tired)
Look forward to them all growing up and playing together.


  1. These are four adorable cousins. Yes, they definitely will have a lot of fun being so close in age! How special. Little Laura is getting so big. She'll be sitting up and maybe even crawling when we see her in the spring. She is so very sweet!! (as are all the rest of the cousins!) MOM

  2. so cute ... my they are all growing so fast ... you moms better enjoy these moments ... they do grow up so very fast:) they are fun when they are bigger too ... but just a different cute:)
